Christmas makes me unbelievably happy. You have no idea. It's the one day of the year I actually look forward to. Even if I don't get snow in sunny San Diego, it doesn't bother me. I don't need snow; I don't need gifts, or cash. I just love the feeling and being around my family. I don't care if that sounds cheesy--it's how it is, and will always be. Right now I'm listening to Emmy Rossum's Carol of the Bells (which, by the way is my all time favourite Christmas carol).
Now, listen to her greatness:
Anyway, there isn't much exciting going on with me. I guess this blog is mostly for me, since I know no one reads it. At all.
Money sucks. I try not to complain about being broke all the time. But I can't help when people ask me to go places or buy things, or whatever. I'll be working at my old work once a week, so that's good. That'll be about 40 or so dollars a week. Better than zero. I started talking to an old friend that I haven't spoken to in about seven years on Facebook. He said he may be able to get me a job at a restaurant. Here's to hoping. Prayers please! I'd really like to be able to pay of my credit card, go places this summer, and EAT. Not to That'd be nice.
Faaall on your kneeeeees. Oh, heaaar the angel vooooooicceeeeeees. Oooh niiiiiiiiiiiiight diviiiineeee. Oh night, when Christ was booorrrn. Oooooh, niiiiiiiight. Diiivviiiiiiiine! Ooooh, niiiiight. Oh night, diviiiine! That's like my favourite Christ-related Christmas song. Sorry, that part was playing write when I was typing; I had to let you in on the amazingness of it.
Or, here:
Anyhoo, I'm trying to paint more. Sam keeps telling me to advertise my stuff. I'd like to get out there more, but I honestly don't think I'm good enough. I don't know. I also want to get into theatre. That'd be nice. I don't know how many times I've said this within the last several years. I guess it's up to me in the end. Sitting around won't get me anywhere. But, I feel like I need a friend to do it with me. I'm still timid and introverted, hoping theatre will help me with that. Make new friends, etc. I can only hope.
There are so many things I want to accomplish this year, I don't know where to start. I guess...if I do decide to blog more, you'll find out. It all really starts with a job. If I get a job, I know that it's a huge step closer to accomplishing it all.
Well, I just watched Prancer and I'm so tired. I woke up too early for work.
Much love & God bless you during this season, and always.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Is there a jail cell calling my name?
Bold the ones you've done...
1. smoked
2. consumed alcohol
3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex
4. slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex
5. kissed someone of the same sex
6. had sex
7. had someone in your room other than family
8. watched porn
9. bought porn
10. done drugs
1. taken painkillers
2. taken someone else's prescription medicine
3. lied to your parents
4. lied to a friend
5. snuck out of the house
6. done something illegal
7. cut yourself
8. hurt someone
9. wished someone to die
10. seen someone die
1. missed curfew
2. stayed out all night
3. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself
4. been to a therapist
5. been to rehab
6. dyed your hair
7. received a ticket
8. been in an accident
9. been to a club
10. been to a bar
1. been to a wild party
2. been to a Mardi Gras parade
3. drank more than four beers in a night
4. had a spring break in Florida
5. sniffed anything
6. wore black nail polish
7. wore arm bands
8. wore t-shirts with band names
9. listened to rap
10. owned a 50 Cent CD
1. dressed Gothic
2. dressed prep
3. dressed punk
4. dressed grunge
5. stole something
6. been too drunk to remember anything
7. blacked out
8. fainted
9. had a crush on a neighbor
1. snuck into someone else's room
2. had a crush on your friend
3. been to a concert
4. dry-humped someone
5. been called a slut
6. called someone a slut
7. installed speakers in your car
8. broken a mirror
9. showered at someone of the opposites sex's house
10. brushed your teeth with somone elses toothbrush
1. consider/considered Ludacris your favorite rapper
2. seen an R-rated movie in theater
3. cruised the mall
4. skipped school
5. had surgery
6. had an injury
7. gone to court
8. walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping
9. caught something on fire
10. lied about your age
1. owned/rented an apartment
2. broke the law in the police's presence
3. made out with someone who had a gf/bf
4. got in trouble with the police
5. talked to a stranger
6. hugged a stranger
7. kissed a stranger
8. rode in the car with a stranger
9. been harassed
10. been verbally harassed
1. met face-to-face with someone you met online
2. stayed online for 5 hours straight.
3. talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight
4. watched TV for 5 hours straight
5. been to a fair
6. been called a bad influence
7. drink and drive
8. prank-called someone
9. laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex
10. cheated on a test
My Grand Total: 50
Grand Total: -If You Have Less Then 10.. write [im a Goody Goody]
-If You Have More Then 10.. write [im still a goody goody]
-If You Have more Then 20..write [im average]
-If You Have More Then 30..write [im a bad kid]
-If You have more then 40..write [im a very bad influence]
-If You Have more then 50..write [im a horrible person]
-If You Have more then 60..write [ i should be in jail ]
-If You Have more then 70..write [im going to hell]
-If You Have more then 80..write [something is fucking wrong]
Oh...I'm just so horrible.
1. smoked
2. consumed alcohol
3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex
4. slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex
5. kissed someone of the same sex
6. had sex
7. had someone in your room other than family
8. watched porn
9. bought porn
10. done drugs
1. taken painkillers
2. taken someone else's prescription medicine
3. lied to your parents
4. lied to a friend
5. snuck out of the house
6. done something illegal
7. cut yourself
8. hurt someone
9. wished someone to die
10. seen someone die
1. missed curfew
2. stayed out all night
3. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself
4. been to a therapist
5. been to rehab
6. dyed your hair
7. received a ticket
8. been in an accident
9. been to a club
10. been to a bar
1. been to a wild party
2. been to a Mardi Gras parade
3. drank more than four beers in a night
4. had a spring break in Florida
5. sniffed anything
6. wore black nail polish
7. wore arm bands
8. wore t-shirts with band names
9. listened to rap
10. owned a 50 Cent CD
1. dressed Gothic
2. dressed prep
3. dressed punk
4. dressed grunge
5. stole something
6. been too drunk to remember anything
7. blacked out
8. fainted
9. had a crush on a neighbor
1. snuck into someone else's room
2. had a crush on your friend
3. been to a concert
4. dry-humped someone
5. been called a slut
6. called someone a slut
7. installed speakers in your car
8. broken a mirror
9. showered at someone of the opposites sex's house
10. brushed your teeth with somone elses toothbrush
1. consider/considered Ludacris your favorite rapper
2. seen an R-rated movie in theater
3. cruised the mall
4. skipped school
5. had surgery
6. had an injury
7. gone to court
8. walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping
9. caught something on fire
10. lied about your age
1. owned/rented an apartment
2. broke the law in the police's presence
3. made out with someone who had a gf/bf
4. got in trouble with the police
5. talked to a stranger
6. hugged a stranger
7. kissed a stranger
8. rode in the car with a stranger
9. been harassed
10. been verbally harassed
1. met face-to-face with someone you met online
2. stayed online for 5 hours straight.
3. talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight
4. watched TV for 5 hours straight
5. been to a fair
6. been called a bad influence
7. drink and drive
8. prank-called someone
9. laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex
10. cheated on a test
My Grand Total: 50
Grand Total: -If You Have Less Then 10.. write [im a Goody Goody]
-If You Have More Then 10.. write [im still a goody goody]
-If You Have more Then 20..write [im average]
-If You Have More Then 30..write [im a bad kid]
-If You have more then 40..write [im a very bad influence]
-If You Have more then 50..write [im a horrible person]
-If You Have more then 60..write [ i should be in jail ]
-If You Have more then 70..write [im going to hell]
-If You Have more then 80..write [something is fucking wrong]
Oh...I'm just so horrible.
Monday, August 10, 2009
2 months.
What's it been? Like 2 months since my last blog? Beautiful. I guess that means it's about time to update.
What do I have that I can update on? Nothing. So...I'm just going to write random thoughts down. Maybe I'll hit the jackpot.
I'm writing more again. I've written six pages of an idea I had a while back but never followed through with. It's fun...I don't know where I'm going with it though. It's just really entertaining to write shit off the top of your head. I want to write a Twilight fanfic as well, but I can't think of any ideas. Please...someone give me an idea. I want to contribute more than reviews to the ST Fanfic. I'm also writing more of Jess and mine's scifi/supernatural story. I think it'll be absolutely, epically, monumental once it's finished. We are DEFINITELY going to follow through on this. If we do ANYTHING this autumn, it'll be that we FINISH THIS. Writing owns me.
I want to do some extras work again. It's so much fun. I just wish I had a friend to do this with. Just like I wish I had a friend who'd want to get into community theatre with me. Or a friend to do silly parody/spoof/random ass videos with me. You know: shit like that. Why aren't you living down here, Jess? I don't like your Canadian, lack of job/money, etc excuse. I'll hide you in my bedroom if all else fails and find you a job where they pay under the table.
I'm hoping I score this fulltime job at the real estate office. That'd be amazing. And they said they'd be reasonable when it comes for asking days off. And with that, I think I'd be able to go to Vegas in November, and NC in February. I really want to do that *secret* there.
I just want to say that TwiCon was fun, but not as amazing as I thought it'd be. But that's how life is: you're always taken by surprise, whether for the worse, or better. I never thought Forks would be as amazing as it was, but look how it turned out? The build up to TwiCon was monumental, and that's why I expected things of monumental proportions. But either way, it was very enjoyable and I loved seeing everyone.
I'm really hoping that I'll be able to have the one HUGE and amazingly fun vacation next year with Jess. A month (or so) long trip would be amazing. Whether it's a road trip across the U.S. or living off the streets in the U.K. I can't wait and all my money is going towards that (as well as paying off bills and debts, etc). This HAS to happen. Maybe by then we'll have a book deal....I can wish can't I? And pray...and hope, and beg, on bended knee.
True Blood is amazing. Thought I'd put it out there? The latest episode was absolutely brilliant and the cliffhanger was downright evil. Is there a new episode next week? Please say yes.
You know what other shows I'm watching? Well...I just finished the first series (that's what they call "seasons" in the U.K.) of "Being Human". It was outstanding. It's about a vampire, werewolf, and ghost living in England, just trying to "be human". That may sound somewhat boring...but it's actually pretty good. I'm also watching "The Big Bang Theory". This show is off the charts amazing. I suggest you watch it NOW. I mean...NOW. I'm on the second season as we speak. I'm going to finish an episode (that I stopped in the middle of to write this blog) once I finish this. Please watch it; it's ingenious. I swear. Watch the first bloody episode and you'll be HOOKED.
I can't wait to see The Time Traveler's Wife. I want to see it at midnight, but there is no one to go with. I'll just go Friday with my sister, and if she doesn't go, then by myself. Who the fuck cares? Not me. As long as I see it A.S.A.P.
I think that's it for now. Much love & God bless.
What do I have that I can update on? Nothing. So...I'm just going to write random thoughts down. Maybe I'll hit the jackpot.
I'm writing more again. I've written six pages of an idea I had a while back but never followed through with. It's fun...I don't know where I'm going with it though. It's just really entertaining to write shit off the top of your head. I want to write a Twilight fanfic as well, but I can't think of any ideas. Please...someone give me an idea. I want to contribute more than reviews to the ST Fanfic. I'm also writing more of Jess and mine's scifi/supernatural story. I think it'll be absolutely, epically, monumental once it's finished. We are DEFINITELY going to follow through on this. If we do ANYTHING this autumn, it'll be that we FINISH THIS. Writing owns me.
I want to do some extras work again. It's so much fun. I just wish I had a friend to do this with. Just like I wish I had a friend who'd want to get into community theatre with me. Or a friend to do silly parody/spoof/random ass videos with me. You know: shit like that. Why aren't you living down here, Jess? I don't like your Canadian, lack of job/money, etc excuse. I'll hide you in my bedroom if all else fails and find you a job where they pay under the table.
I'm hoping I score this fulltime job at the real estate office. That'd be amazing. And they said they'd be reasonable when it comes for asking days off. And with that, I think I'd be able to go to Vegas in November, and NC in February. I really want to do that *secret* there.
I just want to say that TwiCon was fun, but not as amazing as I thought it'd be. But that's how life is: you're always taken by surprise, whether for the worse, or better. I never thought Forks would be as amazing as it was, but look how it turned out? The build up to TwiCon was monumental, and that's why I expected things of monumental proportions. But either way, it was very enjoyable and I loved seeing everyone.
I'm really hoping that I'll be able to have the one HUGE and amazingly fun vacation next year with Jess. A month (or so) long trip would be amazing. Whether it's a road trip across the U.S. or living off the streets in the U.K. I can't wait and all my money is going towards that (as well as paying off bills and debts, etc). This HAS to happen. Maybe by then we'll have a book deal....I can wish can't I? And pray...and hope, and beg, on bended knee.
True Blood is amazing. Thought I'd put it out there? The latest episode was absolutely brilliant and the cliffhanger was downright evil. Is there a new episode next week? Please say yes.
You know what other shows I'm watching? Well...I just finished the first series (that's what they call "seasons" in the U.K.) of "Being Human". It was outstanding. It's about a vampire, werewolf, and ghost living in England, just trying to "be human". That may sound somewhat boring...but it's actually pretty good. I'm also watching "The Big Bang Theory". This show is off the charts amazing. I suggest you watch it NOW. I mean...NOW. I'm on the second season as we speak. I'm going to finish an episode (that I stopped in the middle of to write this blog) once I finish this. Please watch it; it's ingenious. I swear. Watch the first bloody episode and you'll be HOOKED.
I can't wait to see The Time Traveler's Wife. I want to see it at midnight, but there is no one to go with. I'll just go Friday with my sister, and if she doesn't go, then by myself. Who the fuck cares? Not me. As long as I see it A.S.A.P.
I think that's it for now. Much love & God bless.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
1 sleep left.
What have I done lately?
Well, yesterday I went to work for 2 hours. I was thinking they'd make me work today too, but with my luck -- it wasn't mentioned. So I had a free day today.
I woke up at like 8-something, had french toast, then decided I felt nauseated and tired and went back to bed. I rarely do that...weird. But I woke up at like 11am.
I went one a couple errands. Went to the bank to get some cash out and bought a small, little somethin' somethin' for Jess and April.
Afterwards, I went to Antoinette's house and we watched a few episodes of True Blood. I made a pretty necklace and Sam's friendship bracelet. Once I mail it out to her, the three musketeers of Jaman will be complete. It's pretty bright colours just like you wanted, Sammma.
I'm pretty much packed for Forks tomorrow (yipee!). I got the shitload of maps I got from AAA Auto Club of the UK, Europe, and Seattle/Olympic Peninsula area. They may come in handy. Also a tour book on places I get discounts. Woot.
I also packed a beautiful mini book of Irish drinks recipes (kudos to Jess). Now I'm just hoping that my bag will turn out to be the right should be. I brought a lot of random shirts too...I wonder which I'll wear.
Well, I'm doing laundry and I think I need to put it in the dryer now. So...this is goodbye.
Well, yesterday I went to work for 2 hours. I was thinking they'd make me work today too, but with my luck -- it wasn't mentioned. So I had a free day today.
I woke up at like 8-something, had french toast, then decided I felt nauseated and tired and went back to bed. I rarely do that...weird. But I woke up at like 11am.
I went one a couple errands. Went to the bank to get some cash out and bought a small, little somethin' somethin' for Jess and April.
Afterwards, I went to Antoinette's house and we watched a few episodes of True Blood. I made a pretty necklace and Sam's friendship bracelet. Once I mail it out to her, the three musketeers of Jaman will be complete. It's pretty bright colours just like you wanted, Sammma.
I'm pretty much packed for Forks tomorrow (yipee!). I got the shitload of maps I got from AAA Auto Club of the UK, Europe, and Seattle/Olympic Peninsula area. They may come in handy. Also a tour book on places I get discounts. Woot.
I also packed a beautiful mini book of Irish drinks recipes (kudos to Jess). Now I'm just hoping that my bag will turn out to be the right should be. I brought a lot of random shirts too...I wonder which I'll wear.
Well, I'm doing laundry and I think I need to put it in the dryer now. So...this is goodbye.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
mmm males.
First I want to start off with my current favourite insult and threat. These are brought to you by Jessica. I heard them and almost literally ROFL'd.
First is the insult: "Go eat a bag of dicks." I never heard it before and apparently it's been used for a while. I literally visualize this insult, and while it's horrific, it's fucking hilarious as an insult.
And last, the threat: "I'm going to cut you open and sleep inside of you." What the fuck is this? It sounds like a B-rated horror flick. And once again, this is absolutely grotesque, but fucking hilarious coming from Jessica. Because seriously, who WOULDN'T want to use another human-being as a sleeping bag?
And now on to the important stuff.
It was my birthday Thursday. June 18...turned 22. Nothing changed, except I'm 100 dollars richer and now own season one of Moonlight. Alex O'Loughlin owns me. I wouldn't throw him out of bed for eating crackers (only Moonlighters would understand that).
Then my lovely friend Heather came over and brought me a bag of Kitkats and some cupcakes. That was delicious. Afterwards, I went to TGI Friday's with my mum and ordered my favourite Broccolli and Cheese Soup. Monumental. Then after that I went and saw UP! with Heather. Adorable movie. Absolutely great. Although, I wish they could have expanded a bit more on the woman who takes care of the little boy, and maybe some closure for him and his father. And I was good with all the creatures and talking dogs, that was actually pretty creative and legit. But when the dogs started flying planes...that's when I was like: "Okay, too far." But, in reality, it was adorable and really good. Sweet.
Yesterday I went on a one hour cruise around San Diego harbor with my friend Toni and her baby girl, Athena. I had a blast. It was cold and windy, but it was awesome. We saw all the Naval, Army, Marine stuff. The U.S.S. Cargo ships, aircraft ships, etc. I also got to see a shitload of Sea Lions laying on docks. I took a picture and sent it to Sam. Not sure if she saw it though...I wish I knew how to transfer pictures from my camera to the internet. Oh well.
After that we went to TGI Friday's (again). I got a delicious mudslide. Mmmm...And then, surprise, surprise, I ordered Brocolli and Cheese Soup. Yumm.. Then we walked over to Edward's Theaters and saw The Proposal.
Ah my God. It was really good, actually. Of's all thanks to the abnormally sexy Ryan Reynolds. I don't know why, but he just drips sex appeal. Haha. It was hilarious. Ugh...gorgeous and funny. No fair. Please, please...fuck Hollywood and marry me? HAHAHA. Kidding. But, was great.
So, my days have been filled with gorgeous men: Alex O'Louglin, Ryan Reynolds, and Jonas Armstrong (he plays Robin Hood in the BBC Robin Hood tv series. I'm currently watching the next episode).
Now, I just need to borrow my brother's small suitcase that I can use for Delta (fuck 30 dollar baggage costs). Eh, I'll wait until Tuesday night to pack. I always do.
First is the insult: "Go eat a bag of dicks." I never heard it before and apparently it's been used for a while. I literally visualize this insult, and while it's horrific, it's fucking hilarious as an insult.
And last, the threat: "I'm going to cut you open and sleep inside of you." What the fuck is this? It sounds like a B-rated horror flick. And once again, this is absolutely grotesque, but fucking hilarious coming from Jessica. Because seriously, who WOULDN'T want to use another human-being as a sleeping bag?
And now on to the important stuff.
It was my birthday Thursday. June 18...turned 22. Nothing changed, except I'm 100 dollars richer and now own season one of Moonlight. Alex O'Loughlin owns me. I wouldn't throw him out of bed for eating crackers (only Moonlighters would understand that).
Then my lovely friend Heather came over and brought me a bag of Kitkats and some cupcakes. That was delicious. Afterwards, I went to TGI Friday's with my mum and ordered my favourite Broccolli and Cheese Soup. Monumental. Then after that I went and saw UP! with Heather. Adorable movie. Absolutely great. Although, I wish they could have expanded a bit more on the woman who takes care of the little boy, and maybe some closure for him and his father. And I was good with all the creatures and talking dogs, that was actually pretty creative and legit. But when the dogs started flying planes...that's when I was like: "Okay, too far." But, in reality, it was adorable and really good. Sweet.
Yesterday I went on a one hour cruise around San Diego harbor with my friend Toni and her baby girl, Athena. I had a blast. It was cold and windy, but it was awesome. We saw all the Naval, Army, Marine stuff. The U.S.S. Cargo ships, aircraft ships, etc. I also got to see a shitload of Sea Lions laying on docks. I took a picture and sent it to Sam. Not sure if she saw it though...I wish I knew how to transfer pictures from my camera to the internet. Oh well.
After that we went to TGI Friday's (again). I got a delicious mudslide. Mmmm...And then, surprise, surprise, I ordered Brocolli and Cheese Soup. Yumm.. Then we walked over to Edward's Theaters and saw The Proposal.
Ah my God. It was really good, actually. Of's all thanks to the abnormally sexy Ryan Reynolds. I don't know why, but he just drips sex appeal. Haha. It was hilarious. Ugh...gorgeous and funny. No fair. Please, please...fuck Hollywood and marry me? HAHAHA. Kidding. But, was great.
So, my days have been filled with gorgeous men: Alex O'Louglin, Ryan Reynolds, and Jonas Armstrong (he plays Robin Hood in the BBC Robin Hood tv series. I'm currently watching the next episode).
Now, I just need to borrow my brother's small suitcase that I can use for Delta (fuck 30 dollar baggage costs). Eh, I'll wait until Tuesday night to pack. I always do.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
tired? why yes.
I made Jessica a SWEET ASS FRIENDSHIP BRACELET yesterday. I'm going to make Sam one too. Why? 'Cuz we the three musketeers. We Jaman, yo. Sam, what colours do you wanna' sport?
I am so fucking tired. You have no idea. Why am I up at 12:30 AM when I'm so damned tired. When I'm sick...I guess because I get to sleep in. I've been 22 for literally 30 minutes. I think I should be able to sleep into till noon on my birthday, yes? Jessica keeps telling me to stay up; I think she secretly wants to get me sicker. She wants me to be monorail in Washington, apparently.
I went to Soup Plantation for dinner with my mum. It was yummy and I got very full. Nothing eventful. We went to the grocery store afterwards and got some cookies and a pecan pie for tomorrow. Hopefully this pecan pie will be better than the last one I got. The last one left a weird aftertaste. LAME ASS.
So like...fucking what? 6 days until I'm in Washington? That's awesome. I cannot wait! It's becoming more real as the days pass. I don't know, I've always been excited. It's just fun to do something new.
I am currently reading "Dark Lover" and "The Choice" by Nicholas Sparks. Sweet? Sweet.
Ugh, I know there is more I want to write. Let's see...I worked like 2 extra days this week. More money for vacation. YAY.
Maybe I'm too monumentally tired to think. I think that's it. Oh look, I thought. Sweet. I lie. Anyway, since tomorrow (today?) is my birthday, I'll probably do something sort of eventful. Who knows? Then I'll have something interesting to blog about.
OH! I watched Henry Poole Was Here today. It was good. Another makes-you-think movie. I love Luke Wilson. He's awesome. Never really thought he'd be in this sort of movie. A indie, depressing, something-to-believe-in movie. But he's good. I love him. He has one of the puppy dog faces that are good at looking depressed and distraught. I want his babies.
And with that note.
Good night (morning?)
P.S. Watch this music video:
I am so fucking tired. You have no idea. Why am I up at 12:30 AM when I'm so damned tired. When I'm sick...I guess because I get to sleep in. I've been 22 for literally 30 minutes. I think I should be able to sleep into till noon on my birthday, yes? Jessica keeps telling me to stay up; I think she secretly wants to get me sicker. She wants me to be monorail in Washington, apparently.
I went to Soup Plantation for dinner with my mum. It was yummy and I got very full. Nothing eventful. We went to the grocery store afterwards and got some cookies and a pecan pie for tomorrow. Hopefully this pecan pie will be better than the last one I got. The last one left a weird aftertaste. LAME ASS.
So like...fucking what? 6 days until I'm in Washington? That's awesome. I cannot wait! It's becoming more real as the days pass. I don't know, I've always been excited. It's just fun to do something new.
I am currently reading "Dark Lover" and "The Choice" by Nicholas Sparks. Sweet? Sweet.
Ugh, I know there is more I want to write. Let's see...I worked like 2 extra days this week. More money for vacation. YAY.
Maybe I'm too monumentally tired to think. I think that's it. Oh look, I thought. Sweet. I lie. Anyway, since tomorrow (today?) is my birthday, I'll probably do something sort of eventful. Who knows? Then I'll have something interesting to blog about.
OH! I watched Henry Poole Was Here today. It was good. Another makes-you-think movie. I love Luke Wilson. He's awesome. Never really thought he'd be in this sort of movie. A indie, depressing, something-to-believe-in movie. But he's good. I love him. He has one of the puppy dog faces that are good at looking depressed and distraught. I want his babies.
And with that note.
Good night (morning?)
P.S. Watch this music video:
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I'm drinking a vanilla malt from Beef n' bun right now. It's absolutely delicious. I hate milkshakes, but malts hit the spot. So. Freaking. Good.
I went to a Samoan church service this evening. It was entertaining. Lots of singing and hallelujahs and praise the Lords. The sermon was great and it was really energetic.
I went to JoAnn's Craft store today. I bought a black mask, lacy tulle-ish fabric, black cord, etc. I put it all together and made this:

I can't wear it at the moment because I used superglue and the fumes from it make my eyes burn and water. Oops. Hopefully after a few weeks, and some time spent outside, the fumes will disperse and it will be wearable.
I wrote a bit of the second chapter yesterday. I think I may write some more tonight. Yes?
Oh! I received my candy cigarettes in the mail today! EXCITING. Now I have something to snack on when I get the munchies that won't add any weight onto my hips. Hahaha.
I can't wait until I get the cafepress shirt in the mail, as well as the BDB book I ordered. I'm going to read it on the plane to WA.
Well, I'm going to find something constructive to do.
I went to a Samoan church service this evening. It was entertaining. Lots of singing and hallelujahs and praise the Lords. The sermon was great and it was really energetic.
I went to JoAnn's Craft store today. I bought a black mask, lacy tulle-ish fabric, black cord, etc. I put it all together and made this:

I can't wear it at the moment because I used superglue and the fumes from it make my eyes burn and water. Oops. Hopefully after a few weeks, and some time spent outside, the fumes will disperse and it will be wearable.
I wrote a bit of the second chapter yesterday. I think I may write some more tonight. Yes?
Oh! I received my candy cigarettes in the mail today! EXCITING. Now I have something to snack on when I get the munchies that won't add any weight onto my hips. Hahaha.
I can't wait until I get the cafepress shirt in the mail, as well as the BDB book I ordered. I'm going to read it on the plane to WA.
Well, I'm going to find something constructive to do.
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